Home Remedy for Burn Scars
Natural Ways to Lighten Them
Before bed, apply a dab of honey, olive oil or coconut oil on the scars. Put the oil or honey onto a piece of tissue paper or cotton and massage into your skin, making sure you take about 2 minutes to get the oil or honey to really penetrate your skin. Place a bandage over the skin and let it sit overnight. Wash it off in the morning in the shower or with simple soap and water. Keep up the treatment until your scar lightens up.
Making Paste
Paste can be made with a little bit of fuller's earth and water. Add just enough water to the mixture that it becomes a paste, so you'll really only need a few drops. Apply this mixture directly to the skin with a cotton ball or tissue. Wait for the mix to dry on your skin, then wash it off with water. Continue this treatment until your scar lightens up to your satisfaction.
Lemon Juice or Tomatoes
Lemon juice, a natural lightener (it works to make blonde hair just a little bit blonder) will help make your scar lighter by bleaching the skin around it. This treatment, however, only works on those with light skin as it can turn the skin around the scar white. If you have dark skin, it can make the scar actually appear more noticeable, so test it out on a small area of skin before beginning to apply it every day. If it works to your satisfaction, simply place it on your scar one time per day for about 15 minutes until your scar is lighter. Tomatoes also bleach the skin and can be used the same way as lemons are used.