How to Treat a Severe Burn
Things You'll Need
- Cool water
- Clean bandages
- Pain medicine
Call for emergency medical assistance. Severe burns almost always require professional medical treatment. The best way of quickly getting access to such care is to call 911. Only after you've done so should you begin first-aid treatment.
Put out the fire and apply cool water to the burn. Even if the fire has been put out, a severe burn can continue to get worse from residual heat. That's why it's crucial to apply cool, clean water to the affected area.
Cover the burn loosely with clean bandages. This will keep the area from becoming dirty and will keep airborne particulate matter from causing an infection. Make sure that you don't wrap the bandage too tight, though, because this can cause pain and even exacerbate the harm.
Take pain medication if you have reason to believe that help won't arrive for an extended period of time. Severe burns can cause a tremendous amount of pain. Even though you won't be able to treat that pain effectively in first-aid treatment, you can still help by administering an over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium or acetominophen.
Sit or lie down. Severe burns can cause shock or a sudden loss of consciousness, so it's a good idea to recline or lie down in order to prevent a fall that could cause more harm.