What Are the Treatments for 2nd & 3rd Degree Burns?
Second-Degree Burns
A second-degree burn is when the first and second layers of skin have been burned and blisters begin to form. The burn usually causes pain and swelling.
Start treating a minor second-degree burn by running it under lukewarm-to-slightly cool water for at least 5 minutes or until pain has stopped. Do not use ice on the burn; ice could cause frostbite. Next, loosely wrap the burned area in a sterilized bandage to keep air away. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin, Tylenol or ibuprofen. But do not give aspirin to a child or teenager.
Third-Degree Burns
A third-degree burn is one that has burned through all of the skin layers. Skin usually turns white, and there is no pain or other sensation because the nerves have been destroyed.
Third-degree burns require professional medical care. Until such help is available, do not remove burned clothing, because doing so may cause more damage. However, if the clothing is posing a threat to safety -- if it's soaked in chemicals or gasoline, for example -- then remove it. Do not use cold water to treat third-degree burns. Cold water could send the victim into shock because the loss of skin reduces protection. Make sure that the burn victim still has a pulse, and elevate the burned area above the head until medical help is received. Dry, sterile gauze can be placed loosely over the burn, but do not use bandages.
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