What Do You Put on a Curling Iron Burn?
Cold Water
Immediately after you are burned, run cold water over the area. Run the water over the burn for at least five minutes. You can then switch to using ice cubes. Running cold water over the burn helps bring the temperature of the skin back to normal. The ice numbs the area and lessens the pain. You can use the ice for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. You can also take two Tylenol or one Ibuprofen for the pain, if needed.
After you have cooled the skin, you can apply a cream. You can use any cream that contains one percent hydrocortisone. This will help relieve the burning and stinging sensation. You could also use a cream that is a type of antibiotic to prevent any infections and to heal the burn. One example would be a Bacitracin. You should not use these creams more than twice each day. If your burn is more than just a minor burn, you will want to see a doctor.
Aloe Vera
Break a piece of an aloe plant off and open it up. Apply the aloe directly to the burn. This will do two things. First, it will soothe the area. Second, it will start healing the burn and lessen the chance of a scar forming. If you don't have an aloe plant, you can purchase Solarcaine Aloe Extra Burn Relief. This product is made especially for burns. The product contains the same aloe that you would find in an aloe plant. You can use this on your burn as often as needed for relief and healing.