What Can You Put on Facial Burns From Curling Irons?
Stage One Burns
Stage one, or first-degree burns, do not require medical treatment or prescription medications. One hundred percent aloe vera gel quickly takes the sting out of the burn and puts moisture into the burn to relieve the pain. Aloe vera gel can be purchased at any grocery or drugstore and should be applied every two hours. If you have an aloe plant, break off a stem from the plant and rub the gel-like substance over the burn. Aloe plants are old herbal remedies for burns and work as well as the gel you purchase at the store.
Stage Two Burn
Stage two or second-degree burns covers a larger area and a physician should be consulted for treatment. A general course of action is to wash the area twice a day with lukewarm water to keep the area clean and free of bacteria. Let the burn area dry on its own. Do not towel dry. The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic cream to prevent the burn from becoming infected. Apply a thick covering of the cream to the burn and keep it covered with a clean, nonstick bandage. If a blister appears, consult your doctor as he may want to lance it and cut away the dead skin. Do not pop on your own as this can lead to an infection.
Stage Three Burn
A stage three or third-degree burn will immediately blister and can be white, black or brown around the burn area. The burn and the area around it will become swollen. Depending on the depth of the burn, there may not be any immediate pain due to damage to the nerves. Emergency medical treatment is required for this burn stage, which can cause significant scarring if not treated properly.
Once you have a facial burn, the skin is very tender and if you are planning on being out in the sun, make sure you add extra sun screen to the newly healed skin or wear a hat for protection.
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