How to Soothe a Minor Grease Burn
Things You'll Need
- Cold Water
- Ice, icepack, or
- frozen food package
- Band aid
- Neosporin
Turn on your sink, to the coldest water setting. Run your burn over cold water for at least ten seconds. Count to ten if you have to This will give you time to calm down after getting burned and it will automatically soothe the pain.
Grab an ice cube out of the refrigerator. If you have no ice cubes, then a ice pack or package of frozen vegetables will work just as good. Place the ice cube on your burn until the ice cube melts away. If you are using a ice pack or package of frozen vegetables, then hold the frozen pack to your burn for at least a minute.
Dry your burn off by tapping it with a paper towel, or hand towel. Another way to dry off your burn without irritating it is to shake your hand gently back and forth.
Dab a small amount of Neosporin on your burn and cover it with a band-aid.