Home Remedies for Burnt Skin
Severe burns
There are three degrees of burn that can affect various parts of the body. Burns are rated on a medical scale in degrees from first to third.
Only first degree burns can be treated safely at home.
If you suffer from a second or third degree burn, which may feature blistering, extensive skin peeling or a large, gaping wound caused by the burn, you must seek medical attention immediately as these burns cannot be treated at home.
Promote healing
To promote the proper healing of a burn, it is extremely important to remain hydrated. Drink plenty of water, as burned skin tends to become dried out. Dry skin will have a harder time healing and takes longer to heal than does healthy, supple skin.
Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and fiber will also help the burn heal faster. If your insides are running on all eight cylinders, your outside will naturally heal more quickly.
If the burn is localized, you may want to apply a petroleum-based antibacterial tincture to its surface area. A triple-antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin will not only keep invading bacteria at bay, but it will promote healing because the petroleum compounds in the ointment seal water into your skin. Cover the area with a bandage and redress and treat the burn every day until the burn is healed completely.
If the burn covers a large portion of your body, such as with a sunburn, applying a moisturizing cream or lotion not only feels good, but it aids in the healing process by keeping the affected area moist.
In addition to eating healthily and slathering on lotions and ointments, get plenty of rest. Skin repairs itself extensively during sleep, so getting plenty of zzz's is crucial to helping skin heal in a timely fashion.
Pain relief
If pain is an issue, take some acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) to help ease the discomfort.
Applying special creams and salves to a burn can also ease pain. In a spray bottle, combine one part white vinegar or lemon juice to three parts cool water and spray directly on the burn. Pain can be effectively relieved for several hours with these simple sprays, which are all natural and non-toxic.
Other easy pain-relief healing options include spreading cold cream (such as Noxema brand) or placing wet tea bags directly onto the burn. Alternatively, you may also steep tea and place into a spray bottle for easier application.