Home Remedies for Mild Burns
Cool Water
With a mild burn it is important to submerge the wound in cool water within one minute of the accident. The cool water stops the burn from spreading. Ice water can make the burn worse by damaging skin cells. The Mother Nature website states: "Since your cells continue to toast even after you separate yourself from the heat source, what you do in the first few minutes after being burned can make all the difference in how well your skin heals." The cool water also numbs the skin and acts as a painkiller.
Soaking the burned area in milk is another option. Dr. M. Purcell, a dermatologist and chairman of the Department of Dermatology at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, recommends whole milk because its fat content will soothe the skin. Submerge the burned skin in the milk for 15 minutes or soak a clean washcloth in the milk and then apply it to the burn. The milk can also promote the healing of the burn.
Preparation H
This over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream can also accelerate healing. According to Dr. Jerold Z. Kaplan, medical director of Alta Bates Burn Center in Berkeley, California, Preparation H contains a yeast derivative that aids in healing. Apply a small amount of the hemorrhoid cream to the burn each day. The cream can reduce healing time by one to three days.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a succulent plant with leaves filled with gel. Aloe vera is well known as a treatment for sunburn, but it is effective with other first-degree burns as well. If you have the plant you can break open a leaf. Many people have bottles of aloe gel or aloe juice at home. Any of these will work. For best results apply the aloe vera a few days after the burn. Use the aloe vera four to six times a day, suggests Dr. D'Anne Kleinsmith, a cosmetic dermatologist at William Beaumont Hospital near Detroit.
Keep the Area Clean
A clean burn can heal faster. Use gentle soap and water to wash the burned skin every day. Also make certain the skin is kept dry. If the burn is very tender to the touch, apply a clean bandage or gauze to cover the wound between washings.