Caring for Sun Damage

The pursuit of a tan has led millions of people to risk skin damage. Over-exposed people have suffered damage to their skin and eyes because of the sun, but there are ways to repair sun-damaged skin.
  1. Misconceptions

    • Many people believe only those who are fair-skinned can suffer sun damage. Fair people have less pigment to guard their skin against the sun, but darker complexions are also at risk of damage as well. A person's sensitivity to the sun is based on numerous factors.

    Sun Damage Risk Factors

    • There are several factors that increase a person's susceptibility to sun damage. The first is location. People closer to the equator have a tendency to suffer from sun damage more because the sun is directly overhead and UV rays are stronger. Genetics also play a role in a person's sensitivity. People who have a history of skin cancer are more likely to be susceptible to the illness themselves. Lifestyle is also a contributor. People who spend a lot of time outdoors must take more precautions to ensure that their skin is not damaged.
      According to the Mayo Clinic, other complications that result from sun damage include liver spots, dry skin, wrinkled skin and actinic keratoses. Some of the most intense treatments for sun damage are corticosteroid steroid medication, and nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs. In cases where damage is extensive, home remedies will not suffice for proper care.

    Sun Damage Treatment

    • The best thing a person can do at home for sun damage is to apply a cold compress or take a cool bath. This will cool and soothe the skin and bring some pain relief. They should also drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration because the sun has drying effects on the body.
      Applying aloe vera lotion or hydrocortizone cream to the affected areas can reduce inflammation and speed up healing. Sun-damaged skin will begin to peel so it's important that skin is treated gently. The best thing that a person can do to minimize the effects of sun damage is to stay inside and cover themselves with sunblock. Using products that have a sun protection factor of at least 15 is highly recommended. Vitamin E cream is also good for sun damage and can be used in the form of an oil or ointment.

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