Home Remedy for Minor Burns
Yogurt can help soothe and cool down minor burns. Apply two tablespoons of yogurt directly the burn, wait 15 minutes, and then remove. Plain yogurt is recommended, but flavored yogurt will work as well.
Honey is an old remedy for a multitude of things, including minor burns. Honey will also sanitize minor burns by drawing out fluids. Place a few drops of honey directly on the burn, then place a bandage over the infected area. A gauze bandage works well, and should be changed several times daily. With each bandage change, a few drops of honey should be reapplied.
Black Tea
The tannic acid in black tea works to help draw out the burning heat from a minor burn. Tea bags should be placed under cool, running water while collecting the tea liquid into a bowl or glass. Then simply sprinkle the tea water onto the burn. This can be repeated as often as necessary.
Milk works to soothe minor burns and alleviate pain. Take a clean cloth, soak it with milk, and apply it to the burn. Repeat as often as needed for pain relief, washing the cloth between each application. Alternately, the burn can also be soaked in a bowl of milk for at least 15 minutes.
Cool water can help tremendously with minor burns. Not only does it cool down the burn, but it can also help it from spreading. Run cool water over the burn as soon as possible. Hesitating in using water will increase the risk of infection and pain. Run the cool water over the burn for at least 10 minutes, and repeat as many times as desired.
Vinegar works as a purifying agent as well as an astringent for minor burns. Dilute one-quarter cup of vinegar with two cups of water. Pour the liquid over the burn and do not rinse it off.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil will not only soothe away the pains of a minor burn, it will also help in the prevention of unwanted scarring. Rub the lavender oil generously over the burn and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Apply again as many times as needed. Be sure to rinse off the oil before each application.