How to Ease the burn of a Sunburn
Take an ibuprofen or aspirin for sunburn pain and itching. Use Aloe Vera gel, or if you have an aloe plant, peel and liberally apply to the affected area and reapply as often as necessary. Also, you can try compresses of cold water or witch hazel. Or mix one cup of milk to four cups of water, add a few ice cubes, soak a dish towel into the mixture and apply to sunburned area leaving on for 20 minutes and repeating every two to four hours.
Soak in a cool bathtub of water. When drying off, do not rub with a towel, but gently pat yourself dry.
Cornstarch and water made into a paste will help soothe sunburn pain. And for your eyelids, apply tea bags which have been soaked in cool water - this will decrease the pain and swelling.
After you are done with any of the above treatments, use a good moisturizer or bath oil. You can also try hydrocortisone cream. Apply the hydrocortisone first and then cover with a layer of moisturizer.
Wrap an ice pack in a towel or dish cloth and apply to sunburn to cool down the burn.