| | Conditions Treatments | Burns
How to Treat Sunburn With Aloe Vera
Things You'll Need
- Plump Aloe Vera leaves
- Knife
Stop the Heat!
Cut a few plump leaves from your Aloe Vera plant. Take your knife and cut up the length of the sides of the leaves. Try not to waste all the gooey Aloe Vera gel that will be oozing out.
Apply the gel very gently to your sunburn, being extra careful not to press or scrape the burn. It's up to you whether or not you'd like to cover your burn; however, don't cover burns once they have been treated with Aloe. Allow the Aloe and the fresh air do their job.
Refrain from sun exposure until the entire burn has recovered from being "cooked." Re-apply Aloe Vera gel every few hours until the heat from the burn has completely gone.