How to Treat Burns
Things You'll Need
- Cold water
- Aloe vera gel or ointment
- Burn cream, commercially available
- Clean bandages
It's important to administer first aid promptly after you receive a burn of any type because if you leave a burn untreated, it can quickly become worse. The first thing to do is to run the burned area under cold water for several minutes. This "cools" the burn and prevents it from spreading and getting worse.
If the person with the burn can tolerate aspirin, this is a good first line remedy that can help to ease the pain.
Apply aloe vera ointment, fresh aloe vera if you have some, or a commercial burn cream.
It's important to keep the burn clean, even if it's painful to wash it. Wash the burned area gently with water and a mild soap. Repeat this cleansing every time you change the bandage.
Cover the burn with a clean bandage. Change this dressing every day at least once and after every time it gets wet.