How to Treat Minor Burns at Home
Run cool water for several minutes over the burned area immediately after the accident to reduce further injury to the skin and nerves. Use cool water rather than ice water or ice cubes to avoid further injury to the skin.
Use an ointment or aloe vera cream on the skin to soothe the burn. Choose a product with a topical anesthetic like lidocaine or xylocaine to numb the skin for pain relief.
Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain. Follow the manufacturer's directions for proper dosage. Consult with a pharmacist or physician about combining acetaminophen or ibuprofen with other prescription medications.
Monitor the burn area closely to observe blistering or breaks in the skin. Apply an antibiotic cream and cover the area with a non-stick pad and then wrap it in gauze.
Contact a primary care physician if pain persists or if blistering occurs right away.
Leave blisters alone unless they break on their own. Clean the area with soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with sterile bandages. Wash hands well before tending to the blistered area.
Keep a first aid kit handy and well stocked with supplies to treat minor burns. Include phone numbers to your primary care physician in the first aid kit.