How to Care for a Burn Victim
Things You'll Need
- Sterile gauze or dressing
- Physical therapy
- Pain medication
Care for a Burn Victim at the Scene
Stop the source of the burn to prevent further injury. Depending on whether it is a chemical, thermal or electrical burn, you may need to physically remove the victim from the source of the burn or extinguish the source itself.
Assess the victim for further injuries and ascertain whether she has gone into shock.
Seek medical assistance while you stabilize the patient if the burns appear to be serious. If he is not breathing and you do not detect a pulse, perform CPR and rescue breathing.
Treat a minor burn by soaking it in cold water or applying a cool, clean towel to the burned area.
Apply a sterile gauze bandage or dressing to the wound. Do not apply ointments or other topical treatments, especially if you are seeking further medical assistance. They may interfere with professional, medical treatment.
Care for a Burn Victim Following Treatment
Be prepared to change bandages or wound dressings for a burn victim once she gets home from a hospital or other medical facility. The patient's physician will direct you as to the frequency required.
Provide assistance in administering the correct dosage of pain medication, as prescribed by the attending physician.
Observe the patient and contact his medical provider if any of the following symptoms develop: increased pain, limited movement, numbness or difficulty breathing. Call 9-1-1 or a physician if the patient has difficulty breathing or an infection develops in the burned area.
Accompany the patient to any physical therapy sessions required and assist with at-home therapeutic exercises designed to increase ease of movement in the areas affected by the burn injury.