Natural Ways to Remove Cholesterol
Exercise and Weight
Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. According to the Mayo Clinic, a reduction in weight of 5 to 10 pounds can lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk factors. The important things to grasp about exercise are: It needs to be regular, at least three times a week, and it needs to be something that you will continue doing. The exercise should be strenuous enough to make you a little out of breath.
Too much saturated fat in the diet has a detrimental effect on cholesterol. Trans-fats found in hydrogenated oil are thought to be particularly bad. These fats are found in processed cakes, desserts, candy and cookies. It is better to bake your own if you want to indulge in a treat from time to time.
Fruit and Nuts
Fruit and vegetables are known to be beneficial because of their fiber content. They also contain vitamins that are good for overall health. Nuts, such as almond and walnuts, contain beneficial oils. It is suggested that nuts are good for the heart, the lining of the arteries and the prevention of blood clots. Herring, salmon and mackerel are rich in omega 3 oil, which is beneficial when it comes to reducing bad cholesterol levels.
Other Factors
Whole grains found in bread and brown rice might help with cholesterol levels and heart health.