What Is a Compression Pump?
Compression pumps are devices used in conjunction with compression garments in the treatment of lymphedema, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and other hemostatic disorders. Lymphedema is a blockage of the lymphatic system which causes lymph to pool in the extremities, often affecting only one arm or leg. DVT is a blood clot that forms in extremities during periods of little or no movement.-
Pneumatic Compression
The compression garments used with compression pumps fit around the patient's affected extremity. The pump inflates the garment intermittently, which applies pressure on the limb. This encourages lymph and blood to return up the arm or leg and flow back into normal circulation.
Types of Pumps
Pumps are classified by the disease that they are meant to treat, be it DVT or lymphedema. Both, however, are used to inflate compression garments and sleeves.
Length of Treatment
Compression pumps can be used for either short-term or long-term care. They are used in hospitals on a temporary basis to help aid in fibronylitic activities, which is the breakdown of clots. DVTs can become dislodged from the vein and travel to lungs, a serious conditon called pulmonary emboli (PE). The compression lengths of this type are shorter than the pumps used for chronic or long-term care.