Stress Echocardiography Protocol
Your blood pressure will be monitored during the test. The patient should plan for one to two hours for the entire visit. At the start of the test, a nurse will take his blood pressure both sitting and standing. He will need to undress from the waist up and lie on a table for a resting echocardiogram of the heart to be performed. This will give the doctor a 2-D, real-time image of the heart to check for any abnormalities. The nurse will then apply the 12 lead EKG sensors to his chest that will stay on for the remainder of the test.
Walking on a treadmill is the most common way a stress echocardiography is performed. The patient will walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike to elevate the heart rate. The amount of exercise and maximum heart rate are determined by age and sex. Blood pressure will be monitored at all times by the doctor. Once the patient's heart rate is elevated or if she begins to experience any discomfort, she will lie back down on the ultrasound table for another echocardiogram.
Stress echocardiography uses EKG, blood pressure monitoring and ultrasound imaging as a non-invasive test of the heart. The doctor compares the resting and the post exercise ultrasound images and EKG to see if there are any changes in heart muscle function. At this time, he will discuss if any further treatment or medications are needed.