Signs of Poor Perfusion
Capillary Refill Time
Use the feet for determining capillary refill time. The rate at which blood refills the capillary beds is a quick and easy test to determine perfusion status. Use your thumb to briefly depress an area of skin that is easily accessible, the arm works well. When you remove your thumb the area that was depressed will be blanched, because you have forced the blood out of the capillaries. Time how long it takes for the blood to return and fill the blanched space. Good perfusion is indicated by a capillary refill time of two to three seconds. Be aware that temperature greatly affects blood flow to the skin so this method can inaccurate if performed in extreme temperatures. Other signs of poor perfusion related to the skin can be the color, temperature and condition.
Since half of the job of perfusion is to rid the body of wastes, as perfusion breaks down wastes begin to build up. The body reacts to this buildup by trying to rid itself of the toxins. This results in nausea and vomiting. The emesis, or vomit, should be checked for blood since this can indicate internal bleeding.
Mental Status
The brain is a sensitive organ. An altered mental status is an indicator of poor perfusion, because the brain is the most hypoxic-sensitive organ in the body. The brain can only last for six minutes without oxygen before brain death begins to occur. Confusion, anxiety and restlessness are early signs that the brain is not being perfused properly; while loss of consciousness and seizures are late signs.