Identify the arteries that take blood from aorta to hind limbs?

1. Common iliac arteries: The abdominal aorta branches into the common iliac arteries, which are the main arterial supply to the pelvic region and lower extremities.

2. Internal iliac arteries: These arteries branch off from the common iliac arteries and supply blood to the internal organs and structures within the pelvis, including the bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs.

3. External iliac arteries: The external iliac arteries are the continuation of the common iliac arteries beyond the point where the internal iliac arteries branch off. They exit the pelvis and travel down the thigh.

4. Femoral arteries: As the external iliac arteries enter the thigh, they change their name to femoral arteries. The femoral arteries are the primary blood supply to the thigh and its muscles.

5. Popliteal arteries: The femoral arteries continue distally and pass behind the knee joint, where they become known as the popliteal arteries. These arteries supply the blood to the knee joint and the lower leg.

6. Anterior and posterior tibial arteries: The popliteal arteries divide into the anterior tibial artery, which supplies the front of the leg and foot, and the posterior tibial artery, which supplies the back of the leg and foot.

7. Peroneal artery: A small branch of the posterior tibial artery, the peroneal artery, travels alongside the fibula and supplies blood to the lateral side of the leg and foot.

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