How to Read an ECG & an EKG
Interpreting an electrocardiogram, or ECG, takes training. EKG and ECG are interchangeable terms that are used in the medical profession. Physicians use EKGs to assess the activity of the heart. EKGs can show heart attacks, hypertrophy, and cardiomyopathy. The ions in the body going in and out of the cells cause the heart muscle to depolarize or re-polarize depending on the net charge. This movement is detected by an EKG and the tracings are printed on a paper allowing physicians to analysis the heart's conduction system.Instructions
Reading a 12-Lead EKG
Look at lead II on the EKG page. Do not look at the other leads. Figure out the rhythm and rate of the lead II. Rhythm is characterized as sinus rhythm or irregular rhythm.
Look at the inferior leads, including lead II, III and aVF. They are found in the lower left-hand corner. Check if there is an ST elevation, which is a trace that is abnormally high above the isoelectric line, or baseline.
Look at the anterior leads. The anterior leads are V1, V2, V3 and V4 on the EKG. Check if there is an ST elevation. Check the lateral leads. On EKG, the lateral leads are V5, V5, aVL and 1. Check if there is an ST elevation in these leads.
Interpret the finds of the cardiogram. An ST elevation show is an indication of myocardial infarction. This is a medical emergency and physicians will need to take immediate action.