How to Repair a Mitral Valve Clip
Go to your private medical doctor or cardiologist. They will run some tests and perform diagnostic modalities to confirm that there is a floppy mitral valve. They will also ask you questions to see if you have classic symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath or intermittent chest discomfort.
Follow up with an interventional cardiologist: a cardiologist who has trained in the use of minimally invasive procedures, including the installation of a mitral valve clip. He or she will go over the procedure with you.
Consent to the procedure. On the day of the procedure do not eat any food for over eight hours. Come to the hospital and sign in and you will be taken to the Cath lab: a special area where the mitral valve clip procedure will take place.
Lie down on the table. You will be given an anesthetic that will numb pain but you will still be awake and conscious. The cardiologist will come and go over the procedure with you. He or she will then begin the procedure and insert a special kind of wire into one of the large veins of your body.
Remain calm and follow the doctor's commands. He or she will guide the wire into your heart and will use x-rays to confirm the location of the wire. Once inside the heart, he or she will use the wire to attach a clip to the mitral valve. This will stabilize the valve's floppy movement.
Remain still until the wire is taken out of your body. The cardiologist will close the small incision and then you will be taken to the recovery room. You may have to stay in the hospital overnight simply to be monitored. Generally after 24 hours you will be able to go home and may receive prescriptions to use blood thinners for some time.
Follow up with the interventional cardiologist in about a month to ensure that the clip is still viable.