Cardiac Exercise Tests
Cardiac exercise tests are commonly performed to determine how well the heart is functioning or if a heart attack has taken place. Two types of cardiac exercise tests are the stress test and an ambulatory electrocardiography test. These tests also monitor any changes in the rhythm of the heart and can determine if a heart attack is imminent.-
Stress Test
An exercise stress test is also known as a treadmill test or an exercise cardiac stress test and is performed on an outpatient basis. Monitors with electrodes are placed on the patient's chest and record the function of the heart during exercise. This test is performed while the patient is walking on a treadmill. Functions of the heart such as heart rate and blood pressure as well as breathing and fatigue are all monitored during this test. According to the American Heart Association, the exercise stress test can diagnose the presence of coronary artery disease, predict heart attacks, help determine a safe level in which the patient may exercise and help diagnose the cause of angina or other heart conditions.
Ambulatory Electrocardiography
Ambulatory electrocardiography testing is also known as the Holter Monitoring test or the Ambulatory EKG test. This test is performed by recording the heart's activities throughout the day, while the patient performs his daily tasks. Electrical activities are recorded and later examined by a doctor. The ambulatory electrocardiography test is performed to assist doctors in obtaining a diagnosis and to determine the best course of treatment for a condition.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test
Cardiopulmonary exercise tests are performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis and determine the efficiency of the heart. This test measures the amount of oxygen that is being used by the body during exercise. During the test, patients breathe into a special machine, while exercising or walking on a treadmill. This test can indicate if the heart is working inefficiently and not supplying the body with enough oxygen.