How to Remove Plaque In Arteries
Consult your doctor for medicinal ways of removing artery plaque. There are many natural ways to remove plaque in arteries but serious problems may require the assistance of medications that only your doctor can advise on or prescribe.
Increase your HDL cholesterol levels by eating more fish and drinking a little wine every day. This combination of food and drink offers well documented affects of increasing good cholesterol levels and resultantly decreasing bad cholesterol levels which contribute to artery plaque build up.
Stop eating foods which are high in sodium and cholesterol. Artery plaques form primarily to an overabundance of LDL cholesterol flowing through your blood vessels. When you feed your blood stream less cholesterol plaque buildup on your artery walls is less likely to occur. Similarly decreasing the amount of sodium you consume will help keep your blood pressure lower which also works to keep cholesterol from becoming artery plaques.
Start walking in the sun every day. This helps greatly in removing artery plaque buildup because the exercise helps to lower blood pressure and make new artery plaques less likely to form. Additionally the sun exposure will aid in vitamin D production which is well documented in discouraging the formation of plaque in arteries and the complications of heart disease.
Curb systemic inflammation with a focused diet. Just as high blood pressure can encourage further plaque in arteries so to can inflammation. Foods such as garlic can keep inflammation levels lower while other foods have the ability to raise these levels. If you need to remove plaque in arteries you have to stop all functions that can cause arterial plaque build up and systemic inflammation is one of them.