Symptoms of Heavy Numbness in Legs
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that can cause loss of sensation in the legs, pain caused by exercising that improves upon rest, leg pain at night and chronically cold feet.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are the result of increased pressure to veins of the legs as a result of standing for long periods of time, crossing the legs, wearing tight clothing and pregnancy. Symptoms include bulging veins, edema in the legs and feet, fatigue and pain.
Poor Circulation
When blood flow to the legs is decreased, fatigue and weakness in the legs can result. Leg pain associated with exercise, known as intermittent claudication, is considered a key indicator of insufficient blood circulation in the legs.
Other Possible Causes
A thrombus, or blood clot, that forms in the leg is dangerous because it can break off and travel to the heart where it can be fatal.
Regular exercise is an important factor in maintaining healthy circulation to the legs and feet. Elevating the feet when sitting for long periods of time helps prevent varicose veins.