Where EKG Leads Are Placed & Why
Lead Placement
During an EKG, a technician places electrode leads on the chest, legs and arms, according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. These leads carry information on the heart’s electrical output to an EKG machine, which records this information for interpretation and diagnosis.
Reason for Placement
EKG leads record their information as differences in the output between matched positive and negative electrodes, notes the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. The specific placement of these electrodes allows doctors to acquire accurate vertical and horizontal images of the heart.
Detectable Ailments
The MMOML lists heart problems detected by accurate lead placement that include heartbeat irregularities (arrhythmias) and enlargements of the upper heart (atria) and lower heart (ventricles).
Additional Ailments
The Cardiology Channel cites other ailments detectable by an accurate EKG, including heart attack, congestive heart failure and inflammation of the pericardium (heart sac).
Esophageal Leads
The MMOML notes that doctors may also use a lead placed in the esophagus, which the patient swallows temporarily to gain more accurate readings of the atria.