The Effects of a Higher Systolic Vs. Diastolic Blood Pressure
Systolic vs. Diastolic
Systolic pressure is a measurement of the pressure with which the blood hits the wall of the artery during moments of contraction of the heart. This is the higher number.
Diastolic pressure is a measurement of the pressure with which the blood hits the wall of the artery during moments in-between contractions of the heart. This is the lower number.
The importance of each number is dependent upon age. Younger people naturally have lower systolic pressures---making diastolic readings more important. Aging causes the inverse relationship and makes systolic pressure a more accurate reading of blood pressure the older you are.
For adults, a high systolic pressure, while maintaining a normal diastolic pressure is generally considered worse than both having high readings. This is also known as isolated systolic hypertension.
High Results
Readings of systolic pressure over 140 and diastolic pressures over 85 are considered to be high blood pressure readings.
Heart-attacks, strokes and numerous other serious conditions can be caused by the onset of hypertension and isolated systolic hypertension; therefore, it is essential to diagnose and treat conditions early.
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