How to Stop Ankle Swelling
Keep your legs elevated as much as possible. Gravity will help improve fluid return from the lower extremities.
Try to massage your lower extremities throughout the day. Start with your ankles and move upwards to stimulate lymphatic drainage.
Wear compression or support stockings. These simple elastic products help to reduce fluid leakage from blood vessels in the legs thereby alleviating ankle swelling.
Stay active throughout the work day. Try to avoid excessive sitting. Sitting causes venous blood to pool in your legs. In addition, walking allows your leg muscles to more effectively squeeze fluid back to your heart.
Minimize use of table salt. Avoid carbonated beverages as well as processed foods. Excessive sodium intake stimulates fluid retention which in turn can worsen ankle swelling.
Lose weight. In addition to all the numerous health benefits of weight loss being at your ideal body weight makes it easier for your body to avoid accumulating fluid in your lower extremities.
Avoid oral anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen or naproxen. These products tend to promote fluid retention and worsen ankle swelling.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include quality sources of protein as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables which contain flavonoids. Protein helps to keep fluid within the blood vessels which stops ankle swelling. Plant based bioflavonoids are anti-oxidants which prevent damage to the blood and lymphatic systems.