Differences Between Pig Blood Vessels & Human Blood Vessels
Circulatory System
The circulatory system of humans and pigs is mainly composed of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. The primary task of both systems is to transport blood and nutrients throughout the body.
The arteries in both mammals carry blood from the heart to the lungs and rest of the body. The two types are pulmonary and systemic arteries. The aorta is the largest artery of the mammal circulatory system.
The veins, in both mammals' systems transport blood from the body to the heart. The four main types are pulmonary, systemic, deep, and superficial veins.
The capillaries of both mammals are very small blood vessels located in the body tissues. Their primary function is to transport blood from the arteries to the veins.
Iliac Artery
The illiac artery is located in the pelvis. Humans have a common iliac artery that splits into an external and internal iliac artery. In pigs, the external and internal iliac artery splits directly from the aorta. The mammals do not have a common iliac artery.
Carotid Artery
The carotid artery delivers oxygen-rich blood to the head and neck of both mammals. Right and left common carotid arteries split from the brachiocephalic artery, which branches from the bicarotid trunk. Humans do not have a bicarotid trunk, therefore, their left common artery splits from the aorta and the right common artery branches from the brachiocephalic artery.