What Are the Symptoms of Smoking With Cardiovascular Disease?
The nicotine in cigarettes is known to increase the risk of heart disease by: decreasing the amount of oxygen that flows to the heart, increasing blood clotting, increasing blood pressure and heart rate and damaging blood vessels and arteries in the heart.
Some of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease in smokers may be: chest pain, heavy feeling in the chest, fatigue and shortness of breath. Smokers may especially feel short of breath after exercise. It is important to note that some people with cardiovascular disease may not experience any symptoms at all and exhibit no warning signs.
In order to make the diagnosis of CHD (or chronic heart disease), your doctor may order a series of tests. Some of these tests may include an exercise stress test, a nuclear scan, an electrocardiogram, an MRI and an echocardiogram.
Your doctor may give you medication to help manage your cardiovascular disease. This may include blood pressure medication, beta-blockers, diuretics and statins to help lower cholesterol levels. Nitrates may also be given to stop the sudden onset of chest pain.
One of the best ways to avoid cardiovascular disease is to quit smoking, improve your diet and take any medication prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor will be able to best advise you as to which lifestyle changes will improve your symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
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