How to Calculate Stroke Volume
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
First Equation
Use the following equation--Stroke Volume = (Cardiac Output) / (Heart Rate)--if the patient is in intensive care and has a catheter in his neck, chest, or arm that allows continuous hemodynamic monitoring.
Plug in the value for Cardiac Output from the thermodilution method. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped into circulation each minute. Thermodilution, a technique commonly done in intensive care, involves injecting a fixed amount of cool dye into the patient through a catheter and measuring the concentration of the dye at predetermined intervals.
Plug in the values to obtain Stroke Volume. A heart rate monitor is standard equipment for intensive care patients and can readily supply the Heart Rate value for the formula.
Second Equation
Use the following equation--Stroke Volume = (End-Diastolic Volume) -- (End-Systolic Volume)--if the patient is undergoing a left-ventricular angiogram. Left-ventricular angiogram produces an image of the heart chamber through X-ray. A catheter is inserted into the patient's blood vessel through his groin or arm, and a dye is injected to allow visualization of the heart chamber during the X-ray.
Obtain values for End-Diastolic Volume and End-Systolic Volume, which are provided by the physician after the angiogram is done. When the left ventricle of the heart fills with blood, it contracts, sending blood to other parts of the body. End-Diastolic Volume is the amount of blood in the left ventricle before contraction, and End-Systolic Volume is the residual amount in the chamber after contraction.
Plug in the values to obtain Stroke Volume.