Natural Cures for Shortness of Breath
Identify the Reason
Identify the reason for your shortness of breath. Usually, shortness of breath is caused by poor lifestyle choices such as a low level of fitness or smoking. Sometimes, however, shortness of breath can be caused by a cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions. If an illness is causing your shortness of breath, it is important to treat the condition or let the illness run its course before expecting shortness of breath to disappear.
Take Action
Once the reason for your shortness of breath is identified, several measures can be taken to improve breathing and reduce shortness of breath.
Do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity everyday. Even normal-weight individuals who are out of shape can experience shortness of breath. Cardiovascular activities such as walking at a brisk pace, jogging, swimming or skating, exercise and strengthen the heart, improving the cardiovascular system and reducing shortness of breath. Obese and overweight individuals may find themselves suffering from shortness of breath from simple activities such as getting out of bed, because the heart has to work extra hard to pump blood and oxygen throughout an obese individual's body. Getting to a normal body weight through diet and exercise should greatly reduce shortness of breath for obese and overweight individuals.
Other factors such as smoking, eating a diet low in protein and high in simple carbohydrates and sugars, can also lead to shortness of breath. Smoking weakens the lungs and smokers are less likely to exercise than nonsmokers. It is imperative to quit smoking in order to reduce shortness of breath. A low-protein diet can cause anemia, which in turn can result in fatigue and shortness of breath after everyday activities. Foods high in simple carbohydrates and sugar can make you feel fatigued, lethargic and out of breath, because your body isn't consuming enough "good" energy sources (such as low-fat proteins, vegetables, fruits) to carry out daily functions, resulting in shortness of breath after normal activities. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet high in lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and minerals and vitamins. If you are a vegetarian, make sure your eat plenty of legumes, quinoa and other foods high in protein to ensure that your body produces enough energy for everyday activities.
Breathing from the abdomen strengthens the diaphragm, possibly reducing shortness of breath if shortness of breath is due to weak stomach and respiratory muscles. Breathe in as deeply as possible, feeling the breath go down to your abdomen before breathing out. Deep breathing helps ensure that your body is getting enough oxygen from every breath.
Finally, stress can also contribute to shortness of breath. Managing stress can be difficult, but activities such as t'ai chi, meditation, yoga, taking short naps, talking to a therapist, exercising frequently, eating a healthy diet and deep breathing can help reduce stress, and possibly, shortness of breath.
When to Talk to Your Doctor
Even though most causes of shortness of breath can be attributed to smoking and lack of fitness, it is important to contact your doctor if shortness of breath does not improve with (or worsens) with exercise. Also, if shortness of breath is accompanied by other symptoms such as coughing, headache, dizziness or loss of balance, your doctor will be able to run tests to determine if your shortness of breath might be caused by other, more-serious underlying conditions such as severe pneumonia, hypertension, heart disease, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension or lung cancer.