Problems in Coronary Artery Disease
The most significant problems in coronary artery disease (CAD) include chest pain (angina), heart attack and potentially death. It is among the leading causes of death globally.
Coronary artery disease is an obstruction of arteries supplying the heart with blood. The blockage grows as a collection of fatty deposits, called plaque, narrows the arteries and minimizes blood flow, a medical condition known as atherosclerosis.
The primary warning signal is chest pain (angina). "Symptoms can be triggered by physical exertion, eating, changes in temperature, extreme emotion or may be present even at rest," according to The University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. "The symptoms may last 3 to 5 minutes."
Chest Pain
During exercise or times of stress, the heart requires more oxygen. Pain is an indication of insufficient oxygen and this warning signal will flash through the chest, arms, jaw and neck.
Heart Attack
A heart attack looms when CAD progresses to extreme levels. "A heart attack results from a prolonged lack of blood to a part of the heart muscle," reports the Ohio State University Medical Center.