The Best Natural Remedy for Lowering Triglycerides
Diet and Nutrition
If you're overweight, the first step you should take in lowering your triglycerides is to lose weight. This is because excess calories that you consume are converted into triglycerides and stored in your body as fat, so the more overweight you are, the higher your triglycerides are likely to be. Begin by exercising regularly, even if that means taking a walk a few days a week.
You should also pay careful attention to your diet if you're trying to lose weight in order to lower your triglycerides. The OSU Medical Center suggests you limit your alcohol intake, because even small amounts can cause high triglycerides. Stay away from sugary or refined foods, which tend to increase your triglyceride levels even more than other foods, according to the Mayo Clinic. You should read food labels very carefully, and aim to consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, the Mayo Clinic recommends.
The OSU Medical Center's guidelines for lowering triglycerides does recommend that you eat more fiber and complex carbohydrates. These include whole grain foods, whole wheat foods, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Most of all, the Mayo Clinic urges that you try to eliminate trans fats from your diet. Some food labels claim that a food is "trans fat free," but food companies are allowed to carry this label even if the food does contain small amounts of trans fat, the Mayo Clinic says. Keep in mind that any food containing hydrogenated oil does contain trans fat, which raises triglycerides.
Alternative Solution
According to the Mayo Clinic, taking in DHA and EPA in the form of fish or fish oil supplements may not only lower your triglycerides, but also may help decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke and other heart conditions. However, you should consult your doctor before taking supplements because taking too much may cause side effects, including an increased risk of bleeding.