Foot Massage Therapy
Foot massage therapy can help patients suffering from cancer. According to the Indian Journal of Palliative Care, a ten minute foot massage divided into five minutes on each foot can provide relief from pain and nausea as well as aid in relaxation. Eighty-seven cancer patients were given the ten minute foot massages and all realized nearly an instant reduction in pain. Their nausea decreased and their relaxation levels increased. The Indian Journal of Palliative Care recommends foot massage as one of several complementary therapies to relieve the effects of cancer.
Foot Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers can be the most difficult to heal. Foot massage therapy can help these particular types of ulcers especially. Foot massage therapy helps increase the flow of blood around the ulcers. This helps with circulation and keeps oxygen and a fresh supply of blood flowing to the tissues.
Post Operative Pain
Pain after surgery isn't unusual. Intense pain, however, can harm the body's ability to recover after surgery. According to the National Institute of Health, foot massage therapy can be helpful in reducing post operative pain. In their study, 18 patients were given a 20 minute massage equaling to five minutes for each extremity. Although there were no significant changes to the blood pressure or heart rate, all 18 patients noted a reduction in their perception of pain.
Cardiac Surgury
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine funded by the National Institute of Health, foot massage can help a post operative cardiac patient overcome anxiety and achieve a greater feeling of well being. Twenty-five test subjects were questioned and a trend was noticed that those patients that received foot massage therapy achieved a greater state of psychological well being.