How to Choose Foods that Build Good Cholesterol --
Eat more salmon. Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which increases good cholesterol and decreases LDL cholesterol, formation of blood clots, thus preventing heart disease.
Stock up on berries. Berries are good sources of HDL cholesterol. HDL levels have been shown to increase by five percent when berries are consumed daily for two months.
Increase your intake of eggs. Eggs are rich in lecithin, which studies show raises the level of HDL. In one study, adults who ate a whole egg daily for three months increased HDL by almost fifty percent.
Snack on nuts. The fiber and plant substances found in nuts actually prevent the blood stream from absorbing bad cholesterol. You can also cook with nuts in your baking goods and other foods.
Opt for whole Grains. Foods high in soluble fiber such as whole grains, barley and oats raise HDL levels.