Fast Heart Rate Symptoms
An electrical system is responsible for the beating of the heart. If there is a defect in this system, the electrical impulses can get scrambled and cause the heart to beat more quickly.
Palpitations are a symptom of tachycardia. These early beats are frequently called skipped beats. Actually, palpitations are beats that occur earlier than they should, leaving a pause before the next heartbeat.
Pounding Heart
A racing or pounding heart is also usually noticed. The heart is frantically trying to pump and such a rapid heartbeat is noticeable to the body.
Dizziness & Fainting
Dizziness and lightheadedness are also common symptoms of tachycardia. The heart is beating too quickly to be effective and not enough oxygen and nutrients are getting to the brain and vital organs. In severe cases, fainting may occur.
Some tachycardias may be controlled with medication, or by fixing the defect in the electrical system. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator may be implanted to correct the rhythm. In serious cases, defibrillation, or cardiac shocking, may be necessary.