What Do Spider Veins Look Like?
Spider Veins Defined
Spider veins are a type of varicose veins. The term varicose veins refer to abnormal and unwanted veins that vary in size from small spider veins up to larger bulging varicose veins, according to www.veindirectory.org.
A variety of factors can cause spider veins to appear on the body. These factors include age, genetics, hormones and lifestyle. Some things in your lifestyle that cause spider veins include excessive sun exposure, standing for long periods of times and/or sitting for long periods of times. If you are a sedentary person, you may also be at risk for spider veins.
Where Do They Appear?
Spider veins can creep up anywhere on the body, but mostly occur on the legs and face, states www.veindirectory.org. Sometimes pregnancy causes spider veins to appear on the abdomen as well. You will know that you are looking at spider veins because of their red, purple or blue coloring and their spider web-like appearance.
Prevent spider veins by exercising regularly to aid in cardiovascular circulation. You also can elevate legs while sitting and avoid standing for long periods of time. Compression hose can also help prevent and reduce the effects of spider veins.
Afew solutions are available to treat spider veins now. These solutions may include laser treatments, sclerotherapy and/or surgery. Laser treatments reduce the appearance of the spider veins. Sclerotherapy is injection of a medicine into the vein to cause it to collapse. Surgery involves the removal of the veins.