Number One Reason for Clogged Arteries
What Are Clogged Arteries?
The condition of clogged arteries is referred to as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty materials like cholesterol build up in the arteries, which leads to a buildup of low-density lipoproteins and a hardening of the arterial wall. It starts with an inflammatory response as blood cells that rupture from the low-density lipoproteins can begin a problematic cycle of arterial wall damage and white blood cell response. This buildup does not produce symptoms for decades, but it will eventually lead to a host of problems, including heart attacks and strokes.
Related Symptoms
In the beginning, most symptoms manifest as circulatory problems. This can include sudden headaches, dizzy spells, memory problems, ear ringing, and mood swings. These can all result from not enough oxygen getting to key areas of the body, especially the brain. More serious symptoms can follow when the arteries become more clogged, like fainting spells and intermittent claudication. This second condition is a manifestation or atherosclerosis in the legs that causes walking pain and is a precursor to even more problems. If you are experiencing these symptoms you should consult your doctor for a cardiac stress test.
LDL Cholesterol
There are two different types of cholesterol: high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). As stated earlier, LDLs are responsible for the beginning of the cycle of arterial wall hardening. As a result, it is an abundance of this LDL cholesterol that is the number one cause of clogged arteries. The body cannot deal with these problematic lipoproteins unless HDLs help to sweep away LDLs. LDLs can be found in a lot of fatty foods like meats that are high in saturated fat and whole milk and cream-based dairy products. A consumption of these foods without at least balancing them out with HDL-rich foods like nuts and vegetable oils will cause a clogging of your arteries.
Other Causes
There are other contributing factors to the clogging of arteries. A diet rich in sugars can lead to problems in regulating your blood sugar levels. This will contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries and can lead to diabetes. Not getting enough fiber and filling up your diet with white-flour products like pasta will hurt your body's chances of sweeping out arterial plaque. Another clogging agent, nicotine, can be taken in from first- or second-hand smoke, and it will also hinder circulation and increase clogged arteries. A sedentary lifestyle with little exercise can also hinder circulation and bring on arterial clogs.
Preventative Measures
Attempts to counteract all potential causes of atherosclerosis plus a rich herbal supplementation routine will help you defeat clogged arteries. Attacking the number one cause of the condition, high levels of LDL, is a must. Begin adding foods like raw almond butter and extra virgin olive oil to your daily regimen while cutting out eggs, fatty red meat, and fried foods. Supplementation of vitamin B6, E, CoQ-10, and L-carnitine can lower LDL levels while raising or maintaining HDL levels. Beginning to clear out the damage that's already been done can be started with the use of garlic in raw or pill form, as it has blood thinning and cholesterol-lowering properties. Start an exercise routine--even 20 minutes a day can work wonders on your circulation and your arterial troubles. Lastly, consult your doctor and listen to his advice about how to proceed in your condition.