Maxzide Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Common side effects of maxzide include numbness, constipation, nausea, fatigue and headaches.
Severe side effects include fever, vomiting, weakness, facial redness and producing large amounts of urine that is pale in color. These symptoms may indicate that an overdose has occurred. Discontinue taking maxzide and seek medical attention immediately.
Maxzide should not be taken in conjunction with blood thinners, laxatives, lithium or salt substitutes. Dangerous interactions may also occur with other drugs. Seek medical advice before taking any drugs along with maxzide.
The effects of taking maxzide while pregnant have not yet been confirmed. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should seek medical advice before taking maxzide.
Patients who suffer from liver disease, kidney stones and diabetes should seek medical advice before taking maxzide. It is extremely dangerous to take potassium supplements in conjunction with maxzide.