Blocked Cardiac Arteries Symptoms
Cardiac arteries can become narrowed and blocked by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis results from a buildup of cholesterol, which causes the cardiac arteries to become blocked and narrowed, leading to coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a serious condition because it greatly increases the risk of a heart attack.-
Definition of Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary artery disease is a condition in which the cardiac arteries become blocked and narrowed.
The most common symptom of blocked cardiac arteries is chest pain, which is also known as angina.
Things That Worsen Angina
Angina usually gets worse when the heart needs more oxygen, which can happen during exercise, eating or stress.
Features of Angina
Angina can feel like a burning or pressure pain in the chest, but it can also move to the shoulder and to the left arm, or radiate down the back. Angina is often thought to be heartburn or indigestion.
Other Symptoms
Blocked cardiac arteries can also lead to shortness of breath, a faster or irregular heartbeat, dizziness and nausea.