How to Use Food To Prevent Inflammation
Eat smaller portions of animal protein, and choose those proteins carefully. If you eat red meat, opt for lean cuts of grass-fed beef, or choose bison or venison. From the sea, eat cold-water fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Ocean-procured Alaskan salmon and halibut are flavorful choices, and krill oil is the new star of the show. Vegetarian? Chia and slax seeds have also been discovered to contain omega-3 oils.
Eat a variety of vividly colored produce like blueberries, strawberries, apples, red onions and any green, orange and yellow vegetables.
Eat oats. For breakfast, try cooking steel-cut oats in apple cider, then add nuts, berries and wheat germ. Fortified, organic soy milk makes a nutritious substitution for whole milk.
Watch your fats. Bake or stir-fry rather than pan-fry or deep-fry. Choose healthy unsaturated oils such as olive oil and canola oil. Use cooking spray to cut back on the overall volume of the fats you're consuming. Read labels and avoid trans fats and any ingredients you can't pronounce.
When the urge to snack strikes, opt for a handful of nuts or seeds instead of french fries, chips, candy or pork rinds. Cut up pieces of fresh vegetables and fruit to create convenient treats that will nurture your body.
Avoid junk food, sugar, candy bars, greasy meats, gravy, drive-through fast food, hot dogs, bacon, sausage, brats, jerky, smoked salmon, fizzy drinks, pastries, high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, white rice and white breads should also be severely limited. Foods in the Nightshade family (such as tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, chili peppers, paprika and tobacco) have also been connected with contributing to an internal inflammatory condition.
Routinely keep aerobically fit and practice daily stretching movements. Try to maintain your weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) within appropriate parameters for your age, gender and body type.