How to Choose Shoes for Burning Feet
Take a look at the shoes that you own and pay particular attention to the ones that bring on your symptoms faster or stronger than others. This will assist you in choosing the correct type of shoe for your foot and avoiding purchasing shoes that you will be unable to wear.
Have your feet measured to be certain that you are wearing the correct size. If a shoe is too tight it will reduce the blood flow to your feet and if it is too tight your feet will slip about in the shoe and the friction will bring on your symptoms faster.
Avoid man-made materials such a vinyl as this will actually make your feet hotter than leather. This also is true with socks. Avoid nylon and stick with cotton whenever possible.
Find a shoe with a lace or a strap. This will hold the shoe in place so that your foot will not slide forward and backward in the shoe. Friction will cause your feet to become very hot and uncomfortable.
Wear the shoes around at home before wearing them outside so that you can return them to the store if they cause your burning sensation to occur more so than normal. Take your new shoes to your podiatrist if you are unsure about the fit.
Speak to your podiatrist about orthotics (foot inserts, prescribed by the podiatrist). If your foot is well supported, you will be less likely to have burning feet cause by friction and excessive movement. If you have orthotics your podiatrist may be able to cover then in a material that is less likely to bring on your symptoms.
Visit a specialist shoe store. Some new specialist materials are available that you may find more comfortable and less likely to bring on your symptoms. You are more likely to find alternate materials in specialist shoe stores.