How to Treat Carotid Artery Disease
Pay attention to any unusual symptoms, such as weakness or tingling on one side of your body. If necessary, write them down, recording such details as the time of day symptoms occur, duration and severity. Relatively minor symptoms like these could be early signs that you may soon have a minor stroke.
Consult a doctor to diagnose the problem. Tests generally include CT scans and MRIs, which examine the heart and arteries to look for signs of blockage or damage.
Follow the doctor's instructions and take prescribed medication. If the condition is not severe yet, it may be treatable with medication, usually anticoagulants or aspirin.
Reduce body weight to help your body maintain a healthy cholesterol level and blood pressure. Excess weight puts a strain on the heart and arteries. Physical exercise contributes to overall improved vascular and heart health.
Quit smoking to improve the elasticity of your arteries and their ability to function properly. This also helps the body process oxygen more efficiently.
Maintain a healthy diet to prevent the onset of diabetes. Diabetes contributes to the risk of carotid artery disease.
Select one of several surgical options, depending on the advice of your doctor. Angioplasty and stenting or carotid endarterectomy are options, depending on the severity of the blockage.