How to Treat Pulmonary Heart Disease

Pulmonary heart disease, also known as Cor Pulmonale, is a serious condition in which the heart's right ventricle enlarges and thickens. Many people with the disorder also have other lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cystic fibrosis. Often caused by pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary heart disease makes it difficult for the heart to get sufficient oxygen. Patients may feel short of breath after exertion, fatigued, lightheaded, or suffer chest pain. It is critical that pulmonary hypertension patients get routinely evaluated for the development of pulmonary heart disease. Early detection can prevent heart failure.Medical treatments are available to improve life quality and increase chances for survival. If you or a loved one suffers from pulmonary heart disease, consult with your doctor on all the best treatment options. Here is a general guide to pulmonary heart disease treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • A reputable doctor
  • Nutritionist
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Medication prescribed by your doctor
  • Stress reduction plan
  • Smoke-free environment
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  1. How to Treat Pulmonary Heart Disease or Cor Pulmonale

    • 1

      Select a doctor who you trust and feel comfortable around.

    • 2

      Consult with your doctor about treatment options and medications. Follow the doctor's instructions.

    • 3

      Keep your blood pressure controlled with medication.

    • 4

      Take prescribed medications as directed. Use supplemental oxygen as the doctor instructed.

    • 5

      Be as active as possible. Consult with your doctor about whether or not exercise would benefit your specific situation. Some patients with pulmonary heart disease can not exercise.

    • 6

      Develop a stress reduction plan. Don't allow yourself to get stressed. Do things you enjoy. Spend time with friends and loved ones.

    • 7

      Never give up hope. There are treatments to increase the chances of survival for many people with pulmonary heart disease.

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