How to Treat Myocarditis
Know the cause. In addition to viral infections such as the Coxsackie virus and echovirus, myocarditis may also be the result of exposure to bacterial or parasitic infections like polio or measles. Some diseases that cause inflammation all over the body could also cause myocarditis, as well as exposure to certain chemicals and medication allergies.
Understanding the methods of myocarditis. The problem begins when the chemicals produced by our body to ward off disease don’t work quickly enough and the infection reaches your heart. The disease fighting chemicals chase after the infection and enter the heart, causing the heart muscle to become inflamed and weak.
Knowing when to seek treatment. It is possible to experience no symptoms of myocarditis but usually it is accompanied by the usual symptoms of infection such as fever and aches. Diarrhea or rashes may also be symptoms. Chest and joint pain may present themselves, as well as leg swelling and fatigue. Extreme symptoms include fainting and irregular urination patterns.
Diagnostic testing. A trip to the doctor may uncover a rapid or irregular heartbeat, fluid in the lungs, or leg swelling. Various tests are available to diagnose myocarditis, such as chest x-rays and ECG. An echocardiogram and blood cell counts may also be used.
Finding treatment options. Treatment for myocarditis revolves around treating what is causing the inflammation so you'll often see the use of antibiotics and salt restrictive diets, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics to eliminate excess water. Reduced activity is also recommended. In the case of a weak heart muscle, medications can be prescribed to treat heart failure.
Final thoughts. Although the symptoms of myocarditis are general to many conditions, they should be especially evaluated when they appear after an infection. Consult your doctor immediately to manage the situation and ward off other complications such as heart failure and pericarditis.