What is the life cycle of trichomonas vaginalis?
1. Infective Stage: The infective stage of *T. vaginalis* is the trophozoite stage, which is a motile, pear-shaped protozoan. Trophozoites are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact.
2. Invasion and Colonization: After entering the vagina or urethra, trophozoites attach to the epithelial cells and invade the underlying tissues. They then multiply by binary fission and colonize the urogenital tract.
3. Reproduction: Trophozoites reproduce asexually by binary fission, which is a process of cell division where one cell divides into two identical daughter cells.
4. Cyst Formation: Under certain conditions, such as changes in pH or nutrient availability, trophozoites can transform into cysts. Cysts are non-motile, protective stages of the parasite that can survive outside the host for extended periods of time.
5. Transmission: Cysts are passed from person to person through sexual contact or through contact with contaminated objects, such as towels, clothing, or sex toys.
6. Recurrent Infections: Recurrent infections with *T. vaginalis* can occur due to the persistence of cysts in the urogenital tract. These infections can be difficult to treat and can lead to chronic health problems.