How long does it take for syphilis to go away?
Primary syphilis
If left untreated, the sore formed by the bacteria Treponema pallidum will typically heal within a few weeks. However, the infection will still be present in the body, and the person can still spread the disease.
Secondary syphilis
The symptoms of secondary syphilis will usually develop within 1 to 4 weeks of the primary stage. These symptoms can include a rash, fever, headache, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. If untreated, the symptoms of secondary syphilis will usually go away within a few months. However, the infection will still be present in the body, and the person can still spread the disease.
Latent syphilis
If left untreated, secondary syphilis will eventually progress to latent syphilis. Latent syphilis is a chronic, or long-term, infection. During this stage, the person may have no symptoms of the disease. However, the infection can still be transmitted to others. Latent syphilis can last for years or even decades if untreated.
Tertiary syphilis
This is the most advanced stage of syphilis. If left untreated, latent syphilis can eventually lead to tertiary syphilis. This stage of the disease can affect the heart, brain, eyes, and other organs. Tertiary syphilis can be fatal if not treated.
Syphilis is easily treated with antibiotics in the early stages. Once the person is treated, they will be considered non-infectious.