How to Prevent Chlamydia
Prevent Chlamydia Infection From Happening to You
Refrain from having more than one sexual partner at a time. As chlamydia is so common, the more partners you have, the greater your risk of encountering someone who has the infection.
Ask any potential sexual partners about their sexually transmitted disease (STD) status. Find out whether they have been tested for STDs and how recently. Do this before you have sex with them.
Use a condom every time. Condoms are the best way to prevent getting a chlamydia infection. This is especially important if you don't know your partners very well.
Get tested regularly. An annual physical exam that includes testing for STDs, including chlamydia, is a smart way to monitor your health and stay on top of things. This way, if you do find out you have chlamydia, you can get treatment right away.
Abstain from sexual intercourse. This is, of course, the most effective way to prevent a chlamydia infection from happening to you.