How to Prepare for a Chlamydia Test
Prepare for Your Chlamydia Test
Know what to expect. This will help to reduce your nervousness and concern over the testing procedure. The chlamydia test is done by either providing the doctor with a urine sample or allowing the doctor to take a swab from your vagina or ****.
Read up on chlamydia before the test. Most people feel more helpless when they don't know what is going on. By arming yourself with knowledge, you can help yourself to feel stronger.
Ask someone to go with you if you think you will need moral support. This person does not have to come in the examination room with you (unless you want them to). However, it often helps to know there is a familiar person nearby to lean on when the test is over.
Avoid urinating for a minimum of 2 hours before a urine-based chlamydia test. This will increase your odds of being able to urinate when you get to the doctor's office. It will also go a long way toward increasing the volume of your sample.
Prepare for a swab-based chlamydia test by avoiding douches and vaginal creams for at least a day before your test. This will help maintain the integrity of the sample the doctor collects.